After deciding to start working towards a career in conservation I wanted to begin gaining experience and learning to build up a picture of how to make a living out of it. So, keeping an eye out for good conservation opportunities and a free hand to move wherever I wanted to in the UK this summer, I ended up moving to Llandudno. An area I had never been to before, with only a little research I learnt what a great place it would be for conservation opportunities.
Within a few days of moving here I heard about the Snowdonia Society and what a find this turned out to be. I’ve never volunteered for a charity which engages in such a wide range of tasks in such a wide range of environments. From mountain path repair to beach cleans to tree nurseries it’s been a great time I’ve spent with them, and it’s massively boosted both my confidence in and knowledge of the conservation industry.
Quickly becoming an addiction, I kept being brought back by the warmth and comradeship felt at each event. There’s something special about being part of a group carrying mattocks and shovels up a mountain like Victorian navvy crew working on the railways, breaking for lunch with the most spectacular scenery and then heading back to Llandudno for work in the evening.
After only my first day, being without a car, I was helped in finding transport and lifts to every event I signed up to which massively increased the amount possible to take part in. The Eryri landscape is a beautiful, attractive, playground that invites all who see her, but a friend of the bus network she is not.
There were several events that I wouldn’t have been able to get to without the help of Mary and Jen sorting my transport or even being it.
Offering free accredited courses in various tasks and helping car-less me in getting to each event, their generosity of time and spirit is helping to build the next generation of conservationists and has greatly helped to give me a greater idea of what sectors I would like to pursue and where I need to fill gaps in my knowledge.
If I ever break into the sector, which I hope I will, I’ll look back on the Snowdonia Society as the first and most important step which got me there. Thank you for all the great memories.
Lochlann Cairns (volunteer)
The Snowdonia Society, established in 1967, is a member-based registered charity working to protect and enhance the beauty and special qualities of Eryri and to promote their enjoyment in the interests of all who live in, work in or visit the area both now and in the future.
JOIN as a member to support our work.
The Snowdonia Society
Caban, Brynrefail, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 3NR