Cymdeithas Eryri Snowdonia Society has a long and honourable history of standing up when the special qualities of Eryri are under threat. Over six decades there have been many times when the Society’s championing of special places has hit the headlines. Despite the modest size of our charity, the impact of such campaigns can be considerable. On a number of occasions it has changed the outcomes in Eryri, steering the actions of government – local and national – or major developments onto a new course. At such times we strive to ensure that our members have an effective and collective voice. The diverse nature of our membership means that this requires both sensitivity and balance.
But campaigns are only the visible tip of an advocacy iceberg. The great majority of this work takes place quietly behind the scenes. Gathering information, understanding different perspectives, responding to consultations and building relationships – these are the constructive building blocks that form the great majority of our advocacy work. Such work sits well alongside our deep commitment to delivering practical work in partnership. Our practical work programme offers opportunities for all to be an active part of the work of looking after Eryri.
We provide helping hands and a strong voice for Eryri’s special landscapes. But ultimately it is about the heart – the relationships people have with the nature, landscape and culture of Eryri.