Do you have outdoor gear that you’re ready to ‘pay it forward’ and recycle?
We will be at the Ultra-Trail Snowdonia, UTMB 2024 event in Llanberis on the 10th and 11th of May spreading the word about our work and raising funds through a ‘pre-loved’ clothing stall.
If you have outdoor gear that you’re no longer using, we would love it if you could donate it to us! We’re looking for old jackets, good quality clothes, camping kit, tents, sleeping bags, outdoor swimming gear, hiking boots and any other gently used adventure gear. Due to health and safety reasons we will not be accepting ropes, helmets and karabiners.
If you could drop items off between to our offices at Caban Community Centre and Café in Brynrefail that would be amazing!
Funds raised will go towards our continued work throughout Eryri National Park.
The Snowdonia Society, established in 1967, is a member-based registered charity working to protect and enhance the beauty and special qualities of Eryri and to promote their enjoyment in the interests of all who live in, work in or visit the area both now and in the future.
JOIN as a member to support our work.
The Snowdonia Society
Caban, Brynrefail, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 3NR