Plant Atlas 2020: a citizen science triumph that documents a biodiversity disaster

Wednesday 8 March saw the national launch of the new Plant Atlas 2020, a landmark work describing the present distribution of all the flowering plants and ferns and clubmosses in the British Isles. Plant Atlas 2020 is the product of 20 years of fieldwork by volunteer botanists, co-ordinated by the Botanical Society of the British Isles

Over the course of this survey volunteers completed a staggering 178,000 recording days and submitted over 26 million records. In doing so they recorded 3,445 different plant species including 1,692 that are native to Britain and, notably, 1,753 non-natives that have been deliberately or accidentally introduced into the wild by humans. This startling finding means that there are now more introduced plants growing in the wild in Britain than natives, with many originating from gardens and then spreading to establish self-sustaining populations.

Read the summary of finding here: BSBI Plant Atlas 2020 summary report Britain in English WEB.pdf