Volunteering Wales Grant supports Caru Eryri Partnership

Thanks to funding from Welsh Government, administered by WCVA under the ‘Volunteering Wales Strategic Grant’ we are currently preparing for the next season’s work on the ground-breaking Caru Eryri programme. The ambition is for it to be the best season yet, improving people’s experience of Snowdonia and delivering lots of high-quality volunteering and training opportunities.

Post-lockdown, it’s been wonderful to see so many people outdoors and enjoying the landscape; after all that is one of the reasons that National Parks were set up in the first place.  However, with increasing numbers of people come increasing pressures on the area. Well-trodden footpaths erode more quickly, more resources are needed to reduce litter. Some visitors need better information and guidance if they are to get the best out of their time in Snowdonia and make their visits as sustainable and respectful as possible.

Our experience in Snowdonia during the pandemic was that a bigger and more focused response to visitor pressures at popular locations was needed – a key part of that response is Caru Eryri.

2022 is the third year of this evolving work. A strong and effective partnership has been formed between the Snowdonia Society, Snowdonia National Park Authority, the National Trust and the Outdoor Partnership, supported by a number of experienced local professional outdoor activity leaders.  Focusing on areas such as Snowdon, Ogwen and Bala, these partners have worked together with our team of amazing volunteers to repair footpaths, pick up litter and to provide key information and guidance to visitors.  We’ve backed up this work with a strong targeted messaging campaign on social media, reaching millions of people with clear information to help them prepare for their time in Snowdonia. This messaging covers key issues such as toilets, bins, litter, transport and campsites,

An exciting development this year is to begin working with other National Parks and AONBs across Wales, sharing experience and learning and inspiring more partnership working between  sectors.

If you are interested in more information about this part of our work, please get in touch with mary-kate@snowdonia-society.org.uk.

Meanwhile, watch this space for upcoming volunteer opportunities with the Caru Eryri scheme 2022.

With thanks to our funders: